Imagine how stressful it can get when you soak in all the insult in your neighborhood. It can make your heart smile by learning some of the best verbal self defense techniques. It not about getting physical. I mean you can harm your verbal aggressor without losing any calories. There are a number of smart ways to inflict a slight pain into your aggressor's system.

How to Stay Positive

Positive words will always work the magic. It is always advisable to stay positive and say positive words. Your aggressor always has negative motives. By adopting to stay positive, the conversation will always be turned around. You can opt to say, "Let's stick to work ethics" if the aggressor is your coworker or even your boss. You should not say anything negative as this will play to your aggressor's advantage. The objective of the technique is to smartly embarrass your aggressor.

Politeness can be Disarming

Your attacker will come head on like a bull fighter ready to pounce. Armed with the energy for the expected action-reaction duel. The art of politeness will immensely surprise your aggressor. He or she will only get surprised and get caught off balance. The aggressor usually aims at directing you into their "fishing net," hence choosing to be polite will disarm him or her. The aggressor naturally expects you to hurl back similar insults back.

Silence is indeed golden

At times, the best gold medal is to remain silent. The bully will get embarrassed as you will appear to be totally detached from the script he or she is trying to come up with. You should just stare at your aggressor. Your feeling will not be affected in any way.

Politicians have mastered verbal defense techniques exceptionally well. They really know how to defend what they have done or said.

Combating your aggressor - In the presidential debate of 1980, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were talking about the viability of Medicare and Social Security. The commentator turned to Ronald Reagan after one of Jimmy Carter statements. Reagan responded with the famous words: "There you go again." Ronald Reagan's words were intended to disarm the opposition. He implied accusingly, "that's like you and your supporters."

Spontaneous creativity - A perfect example is during the second presidential debate in 1984; Ronald Reagan was asked by a Baltimore Sun reporter whether, at his age, he would be in a position to handle the strenuous demands of a second term. He answered, "I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth or inexperience.

In essence, verbal self-defense techniques are very important "weapons" that will help you maintain your calm. When your aggressor realizes that you are not getting fazed, the perpetrator will identify another target. The aggressor will always approach you with a great deal of caution thereafter. It is advisable to understand which of the defense strategies will suit your communication style or your standards of ethics.

Although verbal self defense can be very effective at keeping you safe and away from dangerous situations, there are times when it does not work. When you find yourself in dangerous situation and verbal cues don't seem to be working, having a few self defense or street fighting techniques under your belt can really come in handy. If worse comes to worst, always remember to strike first, and strike fast.